Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Wednesdays, 3/26 - 4/30 at 6:30pm at Center For Spiritual Living Tampa Bay
Center for Spiritual Living Tampa Bay is offering the course, Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. This in-person class will be taught in the sanctuary by Rev. Laine on 5 Wednesday evenings - March 26, April 2, April 16, April 23 and April 30. It is offered for certification through Centers for Spiritual Living.
A $50 Registration Fee is required to cover materials and certification, and tuition will be on a love-offering basis. Registration sign-up is in the Fellowship Hall. Love-Offerings can be paid as you register as a one-time payment, or by cash/check, text or QR code weekly in person, or online throughout the course using the drop-down menu category – Classes.
Students will learn basic spiritual principles and practices and how to apply them in the major categories of life – relationships, prosperity, and health.
If you have questions, please reach out to Rev. Laine directly.
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Wednesdays, 3/26 - 4/30 at 6:30pm at Center For Spiritual Living Tampa Bay
Center for Spiritual Living Tampa Bay is offering the course, Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. This in-person class will be taught in the sanctuary by Rev. Laine on 5 Wednesday evenings - March 26, April 2, April 16, April 23 and April 30. It is offered for certification through Centers for Spiritual Living.
A $50 Registration Fee is required to cover materials and certification, and tuition will be on a love-offering basis. Registration sign-up is in the Fellowship Hall. Love-Offerings can be paid as you register as a one-time payment, or by cash/check, text or QR code weekly in person, or online throughout the course using the drop-down menu category – Classes.
Students will learn basic spiritual principles and practices and how to apply them in the major categories of life – relationships, prosperity, and health.
If you have questions, please reach out to Rev. Laine directly.